
Hast Du Interesse an einem Bildungsurlaub? Dann bist Du angenommen!

Komme zu uns und lerne Spanisch in der Karibik!

Whether you are an avid surfer or just learning to surf the warm waters of Cabarete and other local surf spots on the North Coast of the Dominican Republic you will find a surfing experience you will not soon forget. The surf breaks most days of the year with larger swells coming from September through April. The best surfing conditions in Cabarete are early in the morning or right before sunset – which will leave you lots of time to learn Spanish. So why not learn Spanish and Surf in Cabarete? We’ve come up with a few packages for surfing and Spanish, so have a look and contact us at  for more info.

Spanisch lernen und Surfen

Halber Tag Spanischkurs: 10 Tage Spanischunterricht &
Morgens surfen: 10 Tage Surfunterricht.

Preis 880 €

Spanisch lernen und Kitesurfen

Halber Tag Spanischkurs: 10 Tage Spanischunterricht &
Nachmittags Kitesurfen: 3 Tage Kitekurs.

Preis 880 €

Spanisch Intensivkurs

Ganzer Tag Spanischkurs: 10 Tage Spanischunterricht.

Preis 880 €

Alle drei optionen sind gehnemigter bildungsurlaub.
Komm und schliess dich uns an!

Contact us at  for wake boarding, kayaking, canyoning, fishing, scuba diving, sailing and anything else is the life aquatic. CLI knows what’s up in the water department in these parts.

Looking for some good links on wind and waves?  Keep this mini list handy:


Hello, I’m interested in the spanish & surf course for Bildungsurlaub. Is it possible to do only 5 days (i need 30hours for the Bildungsurlaub)? Do you offer accommodation and transfer from the airport?
Kind regards

Isaac Trujillo

Hello Laura,

Of course you can have your educational leave with us. I will get back to you with all details via email.


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